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413 S 20th St, first floor, Philadelphia, Near Philadelphia, PA 19146

Products & Services

Computer Repair Near Me - Introduction

Despite a huge number of portable technology in the modern electronic market, desktop computers still take the places of honor in our houses. But, though they are exposed to mechanical damages less often than laptops, from their failure nobody is insured. The system of cooling, hard drive, the video card or the sound card, or, God forbid, computer heart – the motherboard can fail. Yes, such failure can happen, but it is impossible to be reconciled with it at all! It is claimed we are – a command of specialists in professional repair of computer devices – the Mr. Fix company!

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    Despite a huge number of portable technology in the modern electronic market, desktop computers still take the places of honor in our houses. But, though they are exposed to mechanical damages less often than laptops, from their failure nobody is insured.

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